Your Road to Vaccine Injury Compensation Starts Here

Suffering from a vaccine injury like SIRVA for 6+ months? You may be eligible for compensation through the National vaccine injury compensation program.  Attorney's fees are covered by the program and there is no upfront cost to you. Schedule a free consultation to evaluate your claim.
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What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) provides a unique legal pathway for vaccine-related injury claims. Here's what you should understand:

$5.1 Billion
total compensation awarded since 1988
petitions filed from 1988 through 2024
of all VICP compensation by way of negotiated settlements
Transitional CTA
Take the eligibility quiz
Your vaccine injury -- and attorneys fees -- may be covered under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. You are likely eligible if you:
received a covered vaccine;
were injured within past 3 years;
injury symptoms lasting 6+ months; and
received no prior settlement.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I file a petition?

The claim process begins when a petition is filed with the US Court of Federal Claims. If you were injured by a vaccination then Tinch Law Firm P.C. can help you with your claim and there is no upfront cost! Schedule a consultation online at or by phone - (301) 453-5020.

Can I file a claim if I received a vaccine outside the United States?

Generally, the covered vaccine must have been given in the United States or its trust territories. However, there are exceptions for U.S. citizens serving abroad as members of the Armed Forces or as U.S. Government employees, or their dependents.

What vaccines are covered by the VICP?

The VICP covers vaccines that are recommended for routine use in children or pregnant women. The specific list of covered vaccines can be found online here.

Are there age restrictions for receiving compensation?

No, there are no age restrictions. Petitions may be filed on behalf of infants, children and adolescents, or by adults receiving VICP-covered vaccines.

What are the severity requirements for filing a petition?

You can file a petition when the effects of the injury: (i) Lasted for more than 6 months after the vaccination; AND (ii) Resulted in inpatient hospitalization and surgical intervention; OR resulted in death.

What are the filing deadlines?

For injury claims: Within 3 years after the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of the significant aggravation of the injury. For death claims: Within 2 years of the death and within 4 years of the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of the significant aggravation of the injury from which the death resulted.

Who can file a petition?

You may file a petition if you: (i) received a covered vaccine and believe you were injured by it; (ii) are the parent or legal guardian of a child or disabled adult who received a covered vaccine and was injured by it; OR (iii) are the legal representative of the estate of a deceased person who received a covered vaccine and was injured by it or whose death resulted from the vaccination.

What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions. It was created in the 1980s, after lawsuits against vaccine companies and health care providers threatened to cause vaccine shortages and reduce vaccination rates.

Your Road to Vaccine Injury Compensation Starts Here

Vaccine Injury Compensation
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) provides 5 categories of compensation:
1) Medical Expenses
2) Lost Wages
3) Pain and Suffering
4) Death Benefits
5) Reasonable attorneys' fees
Medical Expenses
Did you lose a loved one due to a vaccine injury? The NVICP offers hope in the form of lump-sum death benefits, but you must act quickly - file your petition within 24 months of the death and no more than 48 months after the onset of the vaccine-related injury to secure the compensation your family deserves.
Lost Wages
Has a vaccine injury left you unable to work and worried about your financial future? The NVICP stands ready to help, offering compensation for both your past lost income and future earnings, ensuring your vaccine-related setback doesn't derail your financial stability.
Pain and Suffering
Is your vaccine injury causing unbearable pain and suffering, impacting your quality of life? The NVICP recognizes your struggle, offering up to $250,000 to acknowledge your past and future pain, helping you focus on healing without the added burden of financial stress.
Death Benefits
Has your family suffered the unthinkable loss of a loved one due to a vaccine injury? The NVICP offers a path forward with a lump sum death benefit of up to $250,000, but time is of the essence - you must file within 24 months of the death and 48 months after the injury's onset!
Attorneys' fees and expenses
Worried about the cost of seeking justice for your vaccine injury? The NVICP has your back, covering attorney fees, costs, and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses related to your claim - even if unsuccessful - ensuring you can access expert legal help without financial stress.